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Pride of Ownership Finalists 2023

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Phil Welton – 1989 Audi Quattro

Phil Welton – 1989 Audi Quattro

The Quattro has been the dream car for many an enthusiast, not least because of its legendary rallying exploits. It also made an appearance in a popular television show, further cementing it in the minds of car fans. This one, though, has a rather interesting story…

“Back in 1989 when I was in my twenties, I always wanted one of these, and I remember visiting a dealership in Coventry with my then-girlfriend (now wife) Justine and seeing one in the window. I could never have afforded it, but little did I know that I would come across it again thirty years later.”

Fast forward to 2019 and the very same car that Phil had admired all those years ago was now being offered for sale by Silverstone Auctions. He spotted it while enjoying a family holiday in France and couldn’t resist registering for the sale despite not really planning to buy it. “I didn’t tell my wife, but my son encouraged me to bid, and the Quattro was mine!”

It was in mint condition and had just 65,000 miles on the clock, and it remains in superb order today. It hasn’t required any work apart from regular maintenance, and is something that Phil can just enjoy. “It’s a pleasure to drive and always turns heads when it’s out on the road.”

It’s since been back to that dealership in Coventry where some of the staff remember it being on display, and through the Quattro Owners Club Phil has also got to know the previous owner who kept the car in Ireland for a number of years.

He’s owned a few of these brilliant cars over the years, but none of them has a story quite like this one. It certainly explains why he’s so proud of it.

View all Pride of Ownership Finalists 2023

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