SIMCA Club UK caters mainly for SIMCA models first sold here in the early '50s, through 1960s and much of the '70s under Chrysler ownership and the cars rebadged as Talbot until '86 after the Peugeot takeover. along with the related MATRA models. However some members have earlier pre war French built cars and products of Chrysler UK. one even owning a 1920s UNIC. with SIMCA connections. We strive to bring this often forgotten marque in the UK to more prominence and emphasise SIMCA's significant impact on motorsport on mainland Europe. We offer a source of information to members via the website and bi monthly magazine L'Aronde and access to spares and modification advice where appropriate and the chance to meet our members at shows.
96Newbold Back Lane
S40 4HQ
United Kingdom
Contact Exhibitor
Launched 1967, '73 was best selling year for the SIMCA 1100 which spawned quite a range of vehicles, We are displaying a 1204 special, arguably the first 'Hot hatch', an 1100 pickup and a MATRA Ranch ...
Club Membership is available @£25 annually for paper copyof our bimonthly mag L'Aronde or £20 for PDF version