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14 Mar 2022

Puff "Re-Stickering" Event

Historic Marathon Rally Group Stand: 3-290

In 1969 Puff was painstakingly built, step by step from bare shell, to prepare her for the hardest Marathon ever, the 1970 Daily Mirror London-Mexico World Cup Rally.  With several sponsors, some large some small, she was also very carefully ‘stickered up’ to reflect those sponsors.

After the rally and with several more events under her belt, she eventually ended up as a general runabout and one day many years later, was found abandoned in a chicken shed in Huntingdon covered in dust and muck.

She was restored to much of her former glory, but a lot of the stickers were not quite true to the original ones.

Now Project Shop and Bron Burrell have collaborated and accurately reproduced the original stickers as authentically as possible.  Following a major restoration by the talented team at Project Shop which was undertaken to get Puff through her next 50+ years, the stickers are going to be re-attached at the Show this coming week.

Come and see Puff at the Historic Marathon Rally Stand No. 500 in Hall 5. 

The “re-stickering” begins at 10.30 on Friday 18th March 


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