Restoration Series: Building Your Panel-Beating Tool Kit
Welcome back to the second instalment of our blog series leading up to the NEC Classic Motor Show! Today, we’re answering a popular question: “What tools do I need to restore a classic car?”
Now, wouldn’t we all love a massive garage with an endless supply of tools - every power tool under the sun? The reality for most of us is a bit more humble, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get the job done. Some of the best panel beaters I’ve ever seen have worked wonders with just a cantilever toolbox and a few trusty hand tools, many homemade for a specific job.
Starting with Hammers
If you’re like me, you’ve probably watched countless YouTube videos of expert panel beaters crafting car bodies with sheer artistry. They’ve got a hammer for every task, but often, they’ll have a favourite—a tool that becomes an extension of their arm. You’ll notice these hammers are well-loved, and polished smooth because any imperfection would stamp itself into the metal they’re working on. Unless you’re building an entire car from scratch, you won’t need dozens of hammers. A couple will do one for planishing (the delicate smoothing of metal) and one for the good old "persuasion whack."
Pro tip: Keep your garage hammers separate from your household hammers. Let your garage tools do the heavy lifting and use something else for knocking nails into the wall!
The Power of Dollies
Dollies are essential to shaping metal—basically, they’re the heavy lumps of metal you hold under a panel as you hammer away on top. You can buy dolly kits or, as many old-school panel beaters do, make your own from scrap metal. If you find any oddly shaped pieces at a scrapyard, grab them—they might come in handy. My personal favourites are the toe dolly and the comma dolly. Just like hammers, keep these tools in good shape. And if you spot a rusty dolly at a car boot sale, don’t worry! You can bring it back to life with some filing and sanding.
Cutting Steel: Snips 101
When it comes to cutting sheet steel, you’ll want a reliable set of snips. Two types dominate Gilbow snips and aviation snips. I’m partial to Gilbows—they’ve got longer handles for more leverage and cleaner cuts. Aviation snips are good for preventing steel from slipping, but they tend to leave a serrated edge that needs cleaning up.
Another must-have is a good set of side cutters, perfect for trimming wire when welding or snipping old electrical wires out of your project car.
Measuring and Marking
The key to any bodywork project is precision, so make sure you’ve got a reliable set of measuring and marking tools. You’ll need:
- A long steel rule
- A sharp scribe
- A retractable tape measure
- An engineer's square
- A ball of string with a plumb bob for checking the level
Dividers are fantastic for marking equal distances or measuring out spot welds. The more you use them, the more you'll appreciate their versatility.
Clamps, Clamps, and More Clamps
Finally, once you’ve fabricated your new panels, you’ll need a way to hold them in place before welding. Here’s my mantra: “You can never have too many clamps.” Locking pliers, and G-clamps, in all sizes - grab them whenever you can (like the autojumble at the Classic Motor Show in November)!
Wrapping It Up
That’s the foundation for your basic tool kit. You can always add to it as you go along, picking up new tools when a specific job demands them. Start with quality over quantity, and you’ll set yourself up for success.
Thanks for tuning in again! If you’ve got any questions or tool recommendations of your own, drop by the Restoration Workshop at the show, we are happy to answer face to face.
Happy restoring!